The annual Clifton Club Christmas Fair was a huge success this year, raising £1,107 for The Marmalade Trust. It is tradition at The Clifton Club to utilise this marvellous occasion to raise money for such a wonderful cause. There were many beautiful brands and businesses showcasing their products from our local community including: Papiliones Books, Bybo Wines, Banwell Pottery, Debbie & Pippa, Nostra, Stella & Dot, Anna Frankel Designs, Girls From Ecuador, Maurice Fells, The Moroccan Encaustic Tile Company, Usbourne Books, Waterfront Glass, The Rocks Collection, Knitternatterstitch and Rose Garden. Thank you to those who participated and attended, which has provided a wonderful contribution to The Marmalade Trust who provide a vital link between lonely people and their communities and resources which can help them. For more information on The Marmalade Trust, please visit their website,