On The Sofa Business Networking
Sponsored by Arbuthnot Latham
Members and their guests enjoyed the first of the new series of our “On The Sofa” interviews of Clifton Club members, hosted by Club Member Mike Beesley, on Tuesday 26th April.
This event was a wonderful opportunity for Members to meet and engage over drinks and canapes were supplied by sponsors Arbuthnot Latham, whilst learning more about some members interesting careers and life experiences.
Club Members John Laycock and Nick Pugh were interviewed on the sofa by Mike, with John entraining Members with his ‘rags to riches’ successes when moving from Lancashire to Bristol, and sharing his passion and support for sports and local charities.
Nick Pugh provided a compelling story from his youth, and subsequent move into special forces, rounding up the event with some extraordinary footage from his service as an Apache pilot.
We thank John and Nick for taking the time to share there experiences with us.