Join us for our next Member Business Networking Event, a virtual On The Sofa With Jack Elliott, co-founder of The Coronavirus Student Response Network (CSRN), & 180 Degrees Consulting Bristol, on Tuesday 2nd March 2021 at 5:30pm via Zoom.
Jack Elliott co-founded the Bristol branch of 180 Degrees Consulting in August 2019, with the view of leveraging the talent at Bristol university to support charitable organisations in the local community. Alongside their initial strategy offering, Jack quickly identified the third sector’s need for pro-bono support with data science activities and led a team of students working with the likes of St Peters Hospice & Age UK Bristol on the building of machine learning models and interactive dashboards. The Bristol branch was recently awarded ‘Most Innovative Branch Worldwide 2020’ by 180 Degrees Consulting which is the world’s largest university-based consultancy with over 160 branches operating in 35 countries.
While working closely with a number of Bristol charities to understand the impact of COVID-19 on their operations, Jack was given visibility of the scale of the pandemic’s impact and launched the ‘COVID-19 Student Response Network’ with 5 other Bristol students in April 2020. The COVID-19 Student Response Network (CSRN) was designed to bring together established student consultancies from across the UK with social impact organisations impacted by COVID-19. The network grew to over 550 student volunteers from the UK’s leading universities who went on to support over 85 charities, social enterprises, local government institutions and community foundations making it one of the world’s largest student-led responses to the global pandemic.
Following the Beirut explosion, Jack and his team then decided to pivot their attention towards supporting the Lebanon region and having built a team of passionate students on the ground in Lebanon have successfully started over 50 projects in collaboration with a global network of students. CSRN was consequently profiled by the UK Government as ‘case study for an outstanding volunteer-led response to the global pandemic’, which led to Jack receiving a Prime Ministerial Points of Light award and a personal letter from Boris Johnson in October 2020.
Having recently begun their expansion into Africa, Jack in less than 2 years has helped bring about the support of over 200 charitable organisations. Jack is also an active member of the Bristol Hub of the Global Shapers Community, an initiative of the World Economic Forum, which connects young leaders passionate about the city of Bristol and driving social impact.
There will be an opportunity to submit your questions to Jack in advance and on the evening itself. Please email me directly at with any questions you wish to ask, alternatively you will have a chance to submit your questions during the webinar.
To register your place to our virtual event via Zoom, please click on the link below and enter your details for pre-registration: